Summary :

Recover data from PS4 hard drive

PS4 is a world-famous video game console developed past Sony Interactive Entertainment. The PlayStation series wins the heart of a big number of gamers. According to users' feedback, I find many of the PS4 gamers are in face of the same trouble: lose data all of a sudden and demand a solution for PS4 information recovery. Now, I'll introduce unlike ways to recover data from PS4 difficult drive, including using MiniTool Software.

Quick Navigation :

  • PS4 Lost Save Data PS4
  • Recover Data from PS4 Hard Drive in 4 Means
  • PS4 Recover Overwritten Salvage
  • Final Words
  • User Comments

To be specific, PS4 stands for PlayStation iv, which is the eighth generation of home video game panel designed past Sony Corporation. PS4 attracts a large number of dwelling house game lovers since its beginning release in February 2013. All in all, the PlayStation 4 was appear to critical acclamation.

PS4 Lost Save Data PS4

Since the internal storage of PS4 is limited and the demands for online & offline games are increasing, many people choose to add an external hard drive to PS4. However, users reported the PS4 salvage data missing issue at present and then; their data were lost from both the internal storage and the external hard drive.

In fact, a series of reasons including adventitious deletion, ability failure, and connectivity loss could all pb to the PS4 difficult drive data loss. Considering this, I decided to teach you the normally used ways to recover information from PS4 hard drive in unlike situations.

True Examples Showing Users' Demands for PS4 Difficult Drive Information Recovery

Co-ordinate to the investigation, there are many PS4 users wondering how to recover salve data on PS4.

Example ane: Delight please help - deleted game on PS4, can I recover?

I dropped my controller on the continue game screen and information technology literally hitting the square and then X button in succession and my game was instantly gone. I was over level 50, day 49, 0 deaths and over 50 hours into the game and loving information technology. Please help me recover the data if at all humanly possible, it was an online server likewise. I put then much work into my base and surviving without whatever deaths for that long. Delight help!!! Game name was New Eden. PS profile is the same every bit my username here. I'thousand heartbroken about it, for real. P.Southward. I run across the tutorials for corrupted data only not deleted. The online storage is as well gone because I accidentally overwrote it creating another game of the aforementioned name trying to fix this. Helllpppp...- asked Skaithe_Zero

Example ii: Fuming!! My PS4 deleted all my partitions on my external Hard disk, please help me to recover them..

I'thousand really peed off right now; I accept an 8tb external hd with 3 partitions. 2 NTFS were full of music and precious photos of marriage family, One of the partitions was EXFAT for PS4 Games as my internal PS4 bulldoze was total. Then I idea it would just format the one ex fat division but it formatted the whole bloody drive. I used a recovery program to browse the lost partitions and information technology plant them later a 24 hr scan but information technology wouldn't let me recover the partitions and look inside them? I'm now currently using recuva to scan the drive once again. Can I recover these files as I read Sony PS4 doesn't use partitions? Also I read fifty-fifty if a drive is formatted multiple times the data can exist recovered. Delight help guys as I'd actually appreciate it.- said MINUS12

Example 3: Cleaved PS4, retrieve data on new Pro?

Hello everyone I accept ps4 but didn't work and I want to supplant to PS4pro the problem I have a lot of information in my PS4 and 2Tb games in external hard drive so I'm request if there's anything that I can do.- establish on PlayStation help forums

Recover Data from PS4 Hard Drive in 4 Means

Information technology's no exaggeration that Sony's PlayStation 4 is the video game trendsetter. However, the data can't be saved on a PS4 hard drive once and for all. Game data and files are lost now so, and this has affected many gamers around the world. A sudden ability cutting, unintentional deletion, and other improper operations can all lead to the loss of PS4 game files.

In this part, I'll walk you through the practical ways to complete PS4 save data recovery with the help of MiniTool Power Data Recovery.

How to Recover Deleted Captures PS4

The following steps show you how to cease PS4 data recovery after accidentally deleted PS4 game.

Pace 1: accept a look at this comparing page to selection out a license type that satisfies your needs the best. Then, become the setup program of MiniTool Power Data Recovery from a reliable link and store it to your local drive.

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For Home Users

Footstep two: navigate to the setup plan in local drive and double click on information technology to start installing MiniTool Power Data Recovery.

Step three: launch the data recovery software and connect the PS4 hard bulldoze to your reckoner.

Step iv: select Devices at the top of the software window and wait through the drives listed nether it to find your PS4 drive.

Note: It's a common issue that the difficult bulldoze or wink drive connected to PC may not appear. This problem could be caused by various reasons. But luckily, at that place are applied ways to aid you when the hard drive is not showing upwards or recognized.

Footstep five: select the PS4 hard drive and click on the Browse button to detect lost files on it. (You tin also double click on the PS4 drive to perform a full browse direct.)

You'd better click on the Scan Settings icon (in the left sidebar) to specify file types in advance if you only need to recover certain types of data, such as MP4, AVI, and MKV.


Step 6: scan the found partitions and folders carefully to detect out whether your deleted PS4 data are included.

  • If you lot find the deleted data similar captures you need, just select them and click Salve.
  • If yous can't see the PS4 data among the results, yous should wait for the scan to process until it finds the game files you want. And so, select them all and click Relieve.

Footstep 7: cull a drive that has enough gratis space left as the file storage destination and click on the OK push to ostend. (You lot'd improve non select the PS4 bulldoze in gild to avert data overwriting.)

The concluding step is waiting for the PS4 game data recovery to consummate itself. (A prompt window will popular up when all the selected game data have been recovered to the specified place; just click OK to close information technology.)

That'south all I want to say about how to restore PS4 game saves. Click here to know more than details on how to remember deleted files on PC.

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How to Recover Data after Initializing PS4

Where are saved games stored on PS4 ?

By default, the game data are saved to the internal storage of PS4 (you can get to Settings > Application Saved Information Management to access them). Withal, since the internal storage is then limited, more and more than users choose to shop the game files on a USB stick or external hard drive.

In this part, I will hash out how to recover lost saved game data on PS4 after re-initializing the PS4 drive.

  1. Get MiniTool Ability Data Recovery.
  2. Connect the initialized USB/hard drive to your computer and launch the software.
  3. Select the Devices tab at the top.
  4. Select your PS4 drive from the window and click on the Scan button to start to scan it.
  5. Scan and choose the lost game data you need from the search result.
  6. Click on the Save push button and choose another drive to relieve the lost files.
  7. Click on the OK push and wait for the recovery to complete.

When the recovery is completed, a window volition popular up in the software to inform you the task is finished. Just click on the OK button in it and become to check the recovered files to make sure yous take recovered all the information you want.

How to recover save data on PS4 internal storage?

You should connect the PlayStation console to your reckoner; then, run the information recovery software to run into whether the internal storage can be recognized.

  • If the internal storage does appear, you should scan it and cull the needed information from the result.
  • If the PS4 internal storage doesn't bear witness upwards in any recovery software, you have no selection but to enquire recovery agencies for assistance by paying a large sum of coin.

Past the way, there'south an easy & prophylactic manner to initialize a disk to GPT/mbr.

  1. Run MiniTool Division Wizard.
  2. Select the disk that you lot want to initialize.
  3. Observe Convert Disk from the left pane.
  4. Cull Initialize to GPT Disk/Initialize to MBR Disk.
  5. Press the Apply button in the lower left corner.
  6. Cull Aye in the Apply Changes prompt window.
  7. Wait for the initializing process to terminate automatically.
Initialize disk

PS4 Recover Overwritten Save

First of all, you should figure out whether the content of PS4 lost files has been really overwritten or not.

State of affairs one: if yous take merely saved information over the place taken by lost files, it is very likely that the real content however remains on the disk. You can't see information technology considering the organisation has marked it every bit deleted (but you lot only lose entries to them).

Situation two: if the PS4 drive has been overwritten with nix and one by using software or other special tools. The game data volition be lost forever; yous'll no longer exist able to recover them by scanning the drive. In this case, you should give a shot to the following methods to recover game files from PS4 wiped external hard drive.

Tip: Y'all can use the Wipe Deejay/Wipe Partition function in the MiniTool Partition Sorcerer to erase information permanently past filling sectors with nothing and one.

Recover Deleted or Lost PS4 Hard Bulldoze Games via Cloud Storage

If you are a PS Plus user, information technology's very possible for you to recover the deleted and lost PS4 game files from online storage. Why? That is just because the congenital-in autosave characteristic will store the PS4 games to the Deject.

How to re-create the lost game files from the Deject and save them to your arrangement?

  1. Select Settings (in the lower right corner) from the Home card of your PlayStation.
  2. Cull Application Saved Data Management from the Settings bill of fare.
  3. Click Saved Data in Online Storage.
  4. Cull the Download to Organization Storage (You may click on the Delete selection to clear unnecessary files for making more room in the Cloud.)
  5. Browse the saved game data and select all the files you need.
  6. Click on the Download push button in the lower right corner.
  7. Await for the downloading procedure to finish.
Download to System Storage

This is the end of the PS4 cloud save recovery.

Perfect Solution - How to Create PS4 Backup Files Easily.

Recover PS4 Games by Re-downloading Them from PlayStation Store

You are immune to download the lost PS4 games over again from the PlayStation store as long equally you log in with the same account used to buy the games previously. Don't worry; the re-download of the games is costless of accuse.

  1. Sign in PS4 with the same account; type the username and countersign.
  2. Get to PlayStation Store.
  3. Browse the games to select the lost games.
  4. Download the lost games to PS4 local storage/PS4 hard drive once again.
PlayStation Store

Users can also resort to the PS4 game CDs to recover data if they accept one.

Recover Information from PS4 USB Storage

Ii prerequisites for this method:

  • You have turned on the Sync with PlayStation Network selection.
  • Yous accept copied the video game files to the USB storage device.

How to restore PS4 game saves:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select System.
  3. Choose Backup and Restore.
  4. Click Restore PS4.
  5. Browse the fill-in files and select the ones you want.
  6. Click Yes to restore the game data.
Restore PS4

Please always keep the USB storage device connecting to your PS4 during the restore process.

How to recover data from dead PS4? The to a higher place iii methods are useful.

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How to protect your PS4 game videos?

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Application Saved Information Direction.
  3. Choose Saved Data in System Storage.
  4. Select the game you desire.
  5. Click on the Upload button and await.

Last Words

Information technology's a mutual situation that saved data on PS4 are lost; various reasons should exist blamed for information technology. However, the proficient news is that you, as an ordinary user, can recover data from PS4 hard bulldoze with ease. Fifty-fifty though the lost information have been already overwritten, y'all can nevertheless follow the steps mentioned in the previous part to try to get them dorsum.