Avatar facility missions

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Avatar facility missions

In vanilla, the Avatar facility missions were very easy to stealth, constitute the x4 and escape without firing a shot. From the mission description, it seems that they're more than similar the HQ assault in LW2. Is this right? And do you usually need a full ten homo team or tin it exist done with v-6 or 7-viii?

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Post by trihero »

Best done with two stealth shinobis, and it's very easy if they have Muffle.

If yous bring a fighting team, you lot can expect a rough fight because they take infinite reinforcements that wear you downwardly if you try to take it slow, and at that place'due south a guaranteed pod of 8 aliens hanging near the objective.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Post past LordYanaek »

Mission description isn't always accurate. Information technology's but similar vanilla plant X-4 and evac. You won't recover any bodies on those missions.

Doing those with a pair of stealth shinobi is an option only you lot have to be good at avoiding alien pods, they are numerous and they patrol all over the map. I constitute the well-nigh reliable style to do them is to take a sizeable team with expert firepower and ane-2 stealth guys. Engage from higher ground (you are near guaranteed to have some), phone call evac immediately and try to sneak a shinobi inside while pods are drawn to the bulk of the squad. Plant the X4 and evac ASAP without trying to finish them all, equally trihero said you'll eventually go infinite reinforcements.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Postal service by vicguru »

How practice you lot find Avatar facilities in LW2? Do you lot have to do the first blacksite lab facility mission first? I had to manually change the config file to allow basically unlimited Avatar progress blocks, since I oasis't been able to generate missions to go after Avatar facilities. I've liberated like iv zones simply oasis't pushed on the lab facility mission yet. I've also taken missions featuring Intel Packages just don't come across any reward after the mission that would unmask Avatar facilities. Take yet to build a shadow center since any elerium goes to weapons and armor so far. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Post past LordYanaek »

vicguru wrote:How do you find Avatar facilities in LW2?

Yous need to research a Facility Lead. This costs you a small amount of Intel in addition to the facility lead itself.
Notice a Atomic number 82 missions and Skullmining are your merely options for actually gaining those Facility Leads. Notation that i withal have to see 1 as a reward for skullmining and got 3 and then far from Notice a Lead missions (end of dec) so they are not really numerous.

I had to manually change the config file to allow basically unlimited Avatar progress blocks <...> What am I doing wrong?

Hard to say without knowing more.

  • What difficulty are yous playing at?
  • How many regions do you have contacted in improver to those liberated?
  • What'southward the in-game date?
  • How often are yous doing ambush missions?

I'm playing commander and have really no upshot with Avatar progress in belatedly Dec. It's slowed down by >70% in my game and doing Blacksite+Forge dropped it back to almost 1/ii, two facilities dropped it back to where it was when i first revealed it! (3rd lead revealed a facility with no points at all :x ). The trick is that each point of global str < global vigilance slows down every point on the doom counter by 10 hours. This can really brand a large slowdown. Thus reducing str is a good manner to slow downward the avatar project (ADVENT is busy reinforcing their troops rather than working on their underground projection) Deadfall missions and Liberation are how y'all reduce str. With four regions liberated you lot have reduced their str by 20 which is a good start.

There is no guarantee you'll proceeds those facility leads, there is no fashion to tell a facility lead mission from a PoI mission, both appear with an Intel Bundle reward. The only 100% guaranteed fashion to reduce Avatar is to have the main objective missions. If the bar is filling and you don't have a Facility Lead it's time to strike i the objectives.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Postal service by gimrah »

Soo... that's another mission type that need balancing. Especially after seeing xwynns practise exactly that (not that I could).

Should be very very hard/risky to stealth only more viable to fight through - possibly keep the reinforcements simply tone down the troops on the basis, then you are incentivised to fight your way through speedily and go out. Eastward.g. have fewer enemies in total but have lots of smaller pods that you'll probably fight several at a time. That would make a nice contrast to supply raids still.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Post past Jadiel »

LordYanaek wrote:There is no guarantee you'll proceeds those facility leads, there is no fashion to tell a facility lead mission from a PoI mission, both appear with an Intel Bundle reward. The only 100% guaranteed way to reduce Avatar is to take the main objective missions. If the bar is filling and you don't have a Facility Lead it'due south time to strike one the objectives.

There are a couple of indicators that yous might accept a Facility Lead mission. They only spawn in regions where vigilance is less than ten. They are e'er Scientist (Extract or Rescue) or Hack (Recover or Hack) missions, so y'all tin can't get them from any other mission type. They're more likely to spawn in a region where in that location is a facility. They used to have slightly different mission text too, but I think this might take been fixed in the most recent patch.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Mail service by LordYanaek »

gimrah wrote:Due east.m. take fewer enemies in total but have lots of smaller pods that y'all'll probably fight several at a time. That would make a overnice dissimilarity to supply raids still.

But it already works this style!
There is already a lot of smaller pods in Facilities. Most pods are 3-four guys. There is ane big pod patrolling the surface area nigh the objective but enough of pocket-size pods all over the map.
Reducing the amount of enemies would just brand information technology easier to stealth because there would be less pods unless every pod is just a 1 guy pod.

Short of removing stealth completely it will never be possible to prevent it from being (ab)used on some missions by stealth masters. I don't recollect facilities are that easy to stealth, definitely possible but non piece of cake considering of the large corporeality of pods. Having a fighting team to reduce the amount of wandering pods definitely helps me get the shinobi inside by stealth and i really call back it makes a lot of sense, the assail is really a large diversion while the stealth guy goes planting the X-4.

The only sensible way i tin can remember of to make pure stealth harder would be to prevent detection radius from dropping beneath it's 100% infiltration value on "high security missions" similar facilities, blacksite or forge. Perchance even lock infiltration to 100% max (don't reduce the amount of enemies either). This would definitely brand sense only might not be plenty to prevent stealth masters from "stealthing" them :?

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Post past Jadiel »

In that location are lots of sensible ways to make stealth harder. Increment Enemy spotting radius by e.chiliad. twenty%. Nerf Ghostwalker considerably. Remove Conceal from the game, or at to the lowest degree shift information technology to MSGT. Reduce the stealth bonus given by SMGs (the mobility lonely is enough enough reason to take them). Any or all of those will make stealth missions a lot less viable.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Mail by Elder_Basilisk »

I completed the blacksite mission with a 3man stealth team. Got in, threw the flare, reconcealed, planted the x4, tried skullmining one of the enemies then allowable my 3rd ninja to become dorsum to the evacuate zone in the evacuate turn.

As for improving stealth gameplay on these missions, I think that it might exist improved past adding a door hack or something like. Afterwards all, why are these super hole-and-corner facilities just running around with unlocked doors anyway? Doing that would non make stealth impossible-l, merely information technology would make it more interesting. You lot would accept to hack the door or blow upwardly a wall/the door with a shaped charge before getting in and out. That'south a potentially fun element to have in the game-especially if yous fabricated the door similar towers where a successful hack doesn't break conceal. That would give a few interesting decisions in the planning stage-pack a shaped charge or a skulljacking+hacking PC'south, or pack both to continue your options open-and it would add decisions in gameplay likewise which would hopefully make the stealth game a little deeper than information technology is at the moment.

Either way, I call back adding involvement and elements to the stealth game is a better programme than simply making it harder by (for example) nerfing ghostwalker.

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Re: Avatar facility missions

Mail past LordYanaek »

Jadiel wrote:There are lots of sensible ways to make stealth harder. Increase Enemy spotting radius by e.yard. 20%.

This would brand non-stealth missions considerably harder considering the stealth office to find a good position for a correct opener would be way harder. Look at xwynns latest mission, a bad move where his shinobi lookout got revealed almost resulted in a squadwipe and he lost 3 soldiers. In the end i suspect information technology would make 200% infiltration even more important and thus very small-scale (usually full stealth) team more than dominant.

Nerf Ghostwalker considerably.

This 1 could be an option simply with it'south longish cooldown, nerfing it could easily get in useless.

Remove Conceal from the game, or at least shift it to MSGT.

Once once more you'd be hitting small team non-stealth missions (where yous need all the firepower you take at one point) more than pure stealth because conceal is the only reason a shinobi can help during a tough fight.

Reduce the stealth bonus given by SMGs (the mobility lonely is enough plenty reason to have them).

That might exist an option.

Elder_Basilisk wrote: Either manner, I remember adding interest and elements to the stealth game is a improve program than but making information technology harder by (for example) nerfing ghostwalker.

I totally concord on that part, but having avatar facilities and blacksite/forge stay on high alert no matter how long you infiltrate would also make a lot of sense.