
How To Make Red Velvet

You won't believe how easy it is to brand this classic Red Velvet Cake recipe from scratch! This cake is then incredibly soft, tender, moist and pairs wonderfully with my tangy and sweet foam cheese frosting. With its wonderful velvety texture and fluffy frosting, you lot won't be able to become enough of this irresistible block.

Pinterest graphic of a red velvet cake on a white cake stand.

Pinterest graphic of a slice of red velvet cake standing up on a plate, showing the three layers with frosting between each layer.

Pinterest graphic of a red velvet cake on a cake stand with a slice cut out.

Pinterest graphic of a slice of red velvet cake on a plate in front of a glass of milk and the rest of the cake.

Pinterest graphic of a slice of red velvet cake on a plate in front of a cake stand with the rest of the cake.

Whether y'all are looking for a stunning red cake for Valentine'south Mean solar day or but demand a showstopping cake for birthdays, holidays, or whatsoever other occasion, this red velvet block recipe fits the beak. More than just a red-tinted vanilla cake, this cake is tangy and buttery, with a mild cocoa and sweetness vanilla season.

Ruby velvet cake is said to have originated during the Great Depression with the popularization of red nutrient coloring and is a popular dessert in the Southern United States. It is such a unique cake that everyone will beloved. It'south definitely worth the try to make from scratch as it's far superior to any box mix. The block's dense and soft but however moist with a velvety crumb. It's ever a oversupply-pleaser! Want to make another cake recipe from scratch? Attempt my lemon cake recipe, strawberry cake recipe, or naked cake recipe.

What You Need to Make This Recipe

Ingredients needed to make red velvet cake.

Baking soda — always double-check that the blistering soda you have on hand is not expired.

Butter — buy unsalted butter to control the corporeality of table salt added to the block. Make certain the butter is at room temperature so information technology'll be easier to cream.

Cocoa powder — this recipe doesn't phone call for a lot of cocoa powder, so it doesn't overpower the other flavors in the cake. Make sure to utilise natural cocoa pulverisation and not Dutch-processed cocoa pulverisation.

Buttermilk — this adds a tangy flavor and moisture to the block. Also, the buttermilk activates the baking soda to help the cake rise and give it its calorie-free and fluffy crumb. Furthermore, as buttermilk is acidic, information technology reacts with the cocoa pulverisation and turns information technology ruddy!

Vinegar — just like the buttermilk, the vinegar helps activate the blistering soda and brings out the red tones in the cocoa powder.

Reddish nutrient coloring — this will help raise the blood-red tones in the red velvet cake.

Cream cheese — make sure you employ full-fat blocks of cream cheese to make this frosting. You do not want to utilize the cream cheese sold in a tub. Attempt to use the best quality cream cheese available. Some generic brands of cream cheese may non be as thick, leading to a runny frosting.

Powdered sugar — you must employ powdered saccharide equally it'll quickly dissolve into the cream cheese frosting, making information technology creamy and sugariness. If you only have regular sugar, encounter my postal service on how to make powdered sugar with it!

How to Make Red Velvet Cake

Set of two photos showing dry ingredients whisked together and eggs added to the mixing bowl.

1. In a medium bowl, sift the flour, salt, and baking soda together.

ii. Cream the butter on medium speed in the bowl of a stand up mixer fitted with a paddle zipper. Add together in sugar and mix on medium until low-cal and fluffy. Add the eggs in one at a time, chirapsia each until well combined.

Set of two photos showing cocoa sifted into the batter and red dye added to buttermilk.

3. Beat in the vanilla, then sift the cocoa pulverization into the butter mixture. Vanquish but until combined. Scrape down the basin.

four. In a liquid measuring loving cup, combine the buttermilk, vinegar, and red food coloring. (The more yous use, the brighter the color when baked.)

Set of two photos showing the dyed buttermilk added to the mixer and then combined batter portioned into cake pans.

5. With the mixer on low speed, add half of the flour mixture followed by half of the buttermilk mixture to the mixing bowl, beating merely until combined. Echo with the remaining flour and buttermilk. Stop and scrape downwardly the bowl occasionally.

half dozen. Split up the batter among 3 buttered 6-inch pans and bake for nigh xxx to 35 minutes or until the centers are springy to the impact.

Set of two photos showing the cake covered in frosting and frosting piped on top.

7. To brand the cream cheese frosting, beat the butter, cream cheese, vanilla, and table salt together until smooth and fluffy. Gradually add the sifted powdered carbohydrate to the mixer and go on mixing until incorporated. Set aside a cup. Identify a block layer on the block stand up and evenly spread ½ cup of frosting on summit. Go along with the rest of the layers, so utilize the remaining frosting to coat the outside of the cake.

8. Place the cup of frosting into a piping pocketbook with a decorative tip. Pipe a decorative border on top of the cake or as desired. Place the crimson velvet cake in the fridge and arctic for about 1 hour or until the frosting is gear up.

A red velvet cake on a cake stand with crumbled cake on the frosting.

Pro Tips for Making This Recipe

  • If the tops of your red velvet block layers are domed, use a serrated knife to cut off the top of the domes so you tin can stack them evenly. Alternatively, utilize block strips to help your cake layers come out evenly. Cake strips work by keeping the outside border of the pan cooler to ensure that the unabridged cake rises at the same charge per unit, preventing a dome from forming in the heart. If you don't want to buy cake strips, I have a post on how to DIY cake strips.
  • I highly recommend using a calibration to measure your flour as it's the most authentic method. If yous don't have a scale, fluff your flour with a spoon and spoon it into your cups earlier leveling it off with a pocketknife. This method prevents you from overpacking the measuring cup.
  • If the ingredients were refrigerated, such as the eggs, milk, and foam cheese, it's best to bring them to room temperature before using them then they mix effortlessly without overmixing.
  • Be gentle when treatment the layers during associates, equally the cake is very tender.
  • The best style to allow your butter come to room temperature is to bring it out of the fridge ane to ii hours beforehand and allow it to sit on your kitchen counter. Softening the butter in the microwave volition carry the gamble of it melting and making the cream cheese frosting runny. To speed up the procedure of the butter coming to room temperature, you can cube information technology instead of leaving the sticks whole.
  • Brand sure to sift the dry ingredients to remove any lumps. This will help to keep the cake'due south nibble soft and light.
  • For a large cake, divide the batter among two ix-inch round cake pans. The layers will be a flake thinner, so the bake time volition decrease by about 5 minutes.
  • If you practise non have any buttermilk, meet my post on how to make buttermilk with just two ingredients.

A slice of red velvet cake showing the three layers with frosting in-between.

Often Asked Questions

How practice I store this?

Due to the cream cheese frosting, I recommend storing the cherry velvet cake in the fridge if you want to proceed it longer than 2 days. Identify the cake under a cake dome or lightly embrace with plastic wrap. The block keeps for five days. Before serving, bring the cake to room temperature.

Can I make this ahead of time?

If you lot'd like to brand the cake alee and store it in the fridge, swap the butter for the same amount of vegetable oil! Simply mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl and all the moisture ingredients in a separate bowl, then pour the wet into the dry out and mix until combined. Bake as directed. The vegetable oil won't house up in the fridge like butter does, making a cold cake feel more moist and tender.

You can besides bake the block layers, and once cooled, wrap them in plastic earlier freezing them for up to three months. Thaw the cake layers and make the frosting when ready to assemble.

Can I freeze this block?

Yep! You can freeze the assembled cake or individual slices. Wrap the cake or slices in a couple of layers of plastic before freezing for upwards to 3 months. Bring the cake to room temperature before you serve information technology.

What is the divergence between crimson velvet and chocolate block? Is this just a chocolate cake?

This block is much lighter than chocolate block with a tangy note from the foam cheese frosting. Some people accept stopped adding chocolate to the concoction as it interferes with the desired bright reddish color. Originally the cakes had a dusty maroon hue from the acid reacting with cocoa powder, but as time went on, that became a bright ruby color with the addition of crimson dye to the batter. Dissimilar chocolate cake, cherry-red velvet cake has vinegar, which makes a huge difference as the acid reacts with the leavening agents to give you a fluffier cake.

What is the actual flavor of this block?

Ruby velvet has a very mild chocolate and vanilla flavor with a tangy border, thanks to the buttermilk, vinegar, and cream cheese. The main flavor note actually comes from the frosting. Withal, the cake's nigh attractive attribute is the texture! You're getting bites of fluffy, moist cake with a very creamy delicate frosting giving a delightful mouthfeel.

If yous've tried this Red Velvet Block recipe, and then don't forget to rate the recipe and let me know how you lot got on in the comments below, I honey hearing from you!

Red Velvet Cake

Moist and tender with a tangy cream cheese frosting, this Cherry Velvet Cake is a classic dessert that everyone will dearest. It'southward the perfect cake for any occasion.

Grade Dessert

Cuisine American

Prep Time 1 hour xxx minutes

Cook Time thirty minutes

Total Time 2 hours

Servings vi servings

Calories 1504 kcal

  • half-dozen-inch or 9-inch cake pans

  • Mixing Bowls

  • Electric hand or stand mixer

  • Wire cooling rack

  • Piping bag and tip

For the Cake:

  • 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour (300g)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ cup unsalted butter room temperature (113g)
  • one ½ cups granulated sugar (300g)
  • 2 large eggs room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla excerpt
  • two tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 1 loving cup buttermilk room temperature (240ml)
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons liquid ruddy nutrient coloring

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • 2 eight-ounce blocks cream cheese room temperature (454g)
  • 1 ½ cups unsalted butter room temperature (340g)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla excerpt
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • 1 ½ pounds confectioners sugar sifted (5½ cups/675g)

For the Cake:

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and flour three vi-inch cake pans. (See notes about using two ix-inch block pans.)

  • In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, salt, and baking soda.

  • In a large mixing basin or the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter on medium speed. Add together in sugar and mix on medium until lite and fluffy, virtually iii minutes. Add the eggs in one at a time, beating each until well combined. Trounce in the vanilla.

  • Sift the cocoa pulverisation into the butter mixture and beat out simply until combined. Scrape down the bowl.

  • In a liquid measuring loving cup, mix together the buttermilk, vinegar, and cherry food coloring. (The more you use the brighter the colour when baked.)

  • With the mixer on depression speed, add half of the flour mixture followed by one-half of the buttermilk mixture to the mixing bowl, beating only until combined. Repeat with the remaining flour and buttermilk. Finish and scrape downwards the bowl occasionally. Divide the batter among the prepared pans.

  • Bake for about 30 to 35 minutes or until the centers are springy to the touch. When done, let them cool in their pans for about 10 minutes, and so plough them out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting:

  • In a large mixing basin or the basin of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, trounce the butter and foam cheese together on medium speed until smooth and fluffy, almost 3 minutes.

  • Add the vanilla and salt and shell until combined.

  • Sift the confectioner'southward saccharide into a large bowl.

  • With the mixer on low speed, gradually the saccharide into the butter mixture until combined. Stop and scrape down the bowl occasionally. Increment speed to medium and beat until fluffy, near ane minute. Identify about a loving cup of frosting to a piping handbag with a decorative tip.

For the Associates:

  • Place a block layer on a block stand or serving plate. Spread about ½ cup of frosting on top of the cake. Place another cake layer on top and repeat with the frosting. Top with the last cake layer and spread the remaining frosting all over the pinnacle and sides of the cake.

  • Utilise a demote scraper or kickoff spatula to shine out the block. Pipe a decorative border on top of the cake or equally desired. Chill the cake for about 1 hour or until the frosting is set. Whatever leftover cake should be covered and can be stored at room temperature for upwardly to two days or refrigerated for up to 1 week.

  • If the tops of your cake layers are domed, use a serrated knife to cut off the tiptop of the domes then y'all tin stack them evenly. Alternatively, utilise cake strips to aid your cake layers come out evenly. Cake strips work by keeping the outside edge of the pan cooler to ensure that the entire cake rises at the same rate, preventing a dome from forming in the heart. If you don't want to buy cake strips, I have a post on how to DIY cake strips.
  • I highly recommend using a scale to measure your flour every bit information technology's the most accurate method. If y'all don't have a scale, fluff your flour with a spoon and spoon information technology into your cups before leveling it off with a pocketknife. This method prevents you from overpacking the measuring loving cup.
  • If the ingredients were refrigerated, such as the eggs, milk, and cream cheese, it's best to bring them to room temperature before using them and then they mix effortlessly without overmixing.
  • Exist gentle when handling the layers during assembly, as the cake is very tender.
  • The best way to let your butter come to room temperature is to bring information technology out of the fridge 1 to 2 hours beforehand and allow it to sit down on your kitchen counter. Softening the butter in the microwave will carry the chance of it melting and making the cream cheese frosting runny. To speed upward the procedure of the butter coming to room temperature, yous can cube it instead of leaving the sticks whole.
  • Make certain to sift the dry ingredients to remove any lumps. This will aid to proceed the cake's crumb soft and lite.
  • For a large cake, dissever the concoction amid two 9-inch round block pans. The layers volition be a fleck thinner, so the bake fourth dimension will decrease past about five minutes.
  • If you exercise not have any buttermilk, come across my post on how to make buttermilk with only two ingredients.

Calories: 1504 kcal | Carbohydrates: 212 g | Protein: 22 g | Fat: 66 g | Saturated Fat: 41 m | Polyunsaturated Fat: 3 thousand | Monounsaturated Fatty: 17 g | Trans Fat: 2 g | Cholesterol: 238 mg | Sodium: 1177 mg | Potassium: 392 mg | Fiber: 2 g | Saccharide: 167 g | Vitamin A: 2087 IU | Calcium: 350 mg | Fe: 3 mg

*Nutrition Disclaimer


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